Micro Donations Platform
Our proprietary Micro Donations Platform “MDP” allows for long-term sustainable fund-raising with multiple beneficiaries and exponential social multipliers. The Qismat MDP is a locally attuned solution which empowers citizens to participate in the sustained development of a country's socio-economic status whilst providing a value proposition for all stakeholders.
In order to maximise beneficiary impact over the long-term, Qismat’s MDP has four critical core elements which revolve around an interactive Engagement Algorithm comprising of a formulaic Return on Donation strategy, a dynamic Fund Allocation system, and a sophisticated Social Enterprise hybrid network.
Engagement Algorithm
Our engagements algorithm encompasses what we describe as a ‘Return on Donation’ (ROD). A donation, like any other contribution of personal resources, can be looked at like an investment. Our formulaic ROD strategy combines elements of citizen engagement and brings awareness to our campaign with the aim to optimise donor acquisition and retention.
Sustainable Fund Generation
By leveraging our ROD ethos, we employ dynamic and efficient models of fund allocation to ensure the majority of funds go to our development goals and the balance goes to our Shukria and operational funds.
Non-Profit Enterprise
Qismat is amongst a new breed of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), with the mind of a multinational enterprise and the heart of a development organisation.